Friday, 22 August 2008

Fifa 08 - good game

I was pleasantly surprised by this game. Rented it to check it out not expecting to be anything special but after 3-4 games I got hooked. The game can be very hard and the controls frustrating but overall a satisfying game especially when you get enough of shooting or playing "instruments" on GH or RB. I've returned the game now but intend to buy it soon as I find it under £15.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

The Dark Knight - no so impressed

Just came back from the cinema. Finally found time to go and watch The Dark Knight movie with great expectations. I really liked Batman Begins and read some fantastic reviews about this one. I was really impressed with Heath Ledger performance. A great actor that was just getting better and better. I wish he had more dialogs in the movie and I'm really am sorry he lost his life. Overall the movie was ok but not as good as the previous one.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Battlefield Bad Company stats

Cool thing form the BBC people - gamers can see their stats online similar to what Bungie has done for Halo 2 and 3 but not as good. Still better than COD 4 you get most basic info about the number of games, win/loss and kill/deaths ratios. Check mine at (you need to create a free account and loog in first) or you can check any other by just replacing the tag name in the end.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation

The latest game to get from the rental subscription proved very disappointing. Back in the days of PC gaming used to love flying games so I thought this one might be worth trying as my first ever Xbox flying game. After 30 minutes or so of acrobatic flying, shooting and firing rockets it down to me that, as RPGs, flying games are not my thing any more. I think I'll blame games like Gears of War, Call of Duty and Halo for this.

Monday, 11 August 2008

I'm getting tired of my Open University courses :-(

I'm currently working on my 3rd and 4th Open University courses: Y159 - Understanding Management and Y157 - Understanding Society. I've finished B120 Introduction to Business Studies and TU120 - Beyond Google. This will give me 60 OU points in total just enough for a Business Management certificate. Can't wait to have a break from it all!

Friday, 8 August 2008

Battlefield Bad Company

Gone ahead and made the purchase today. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 + £10 = BBC. Had about one hour play on the single player already and so far looks ok. The reason I delayed getting it because I was renting plenty new games recently and I kind off expected to have lot more humor in the game. It looks like there are some jokes here and there but not as many as I was expecting. Anyway it is just the beginning and I haven't tried the multiplayer yet so will get back with some more thoughts...

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

"Digital Fortress" by Dan Brown

Having read both "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels & Demons" from D Brown I thought I give this one a go and I whizzed through it in 4 days. It's now years since I read the other two books so can't remember the exact writing but I do remember I read a lot of bad reviews of the writing style (or the lack of it). I also remember that at that time I did not agree with most of these reviews and my feeling was that it was ok. I enjoyed the previous books I read as both were interesting stories and even though it wasn't Shakespear it was dynamic writing that kept me reading for longer than I was supposed too (eating my sleeping time occasionaly). I kind of went through this book equally fast but I had many disapointments. Without wishing to spoi it for anyone I'll just say that, for my taist, there were too many things in the plot that spoiled it for me considerably. D+

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Renting, renting, renting...

Got the chance to rent some new games recently. Bully Scholarship Edition which was ok in a way. A lot like GTA IV but on the cutdonw version and more suite for yung teenagers. Some of the pranks and tasks vwere fun but eventually got repetitive and boring. Guitar Hero Aerosmith was much much better choice. Great songs, well animated and some great online modes versus and co-op. Played the carrier on medium and it is just right for my unskilled fingers. I would recommand Guitar Hero Aerosmith if you like Guitar Hero or Rock Band games - must try. Bully only if you like GTA IV and like to try something different.