Friday, 5 September 2008

Almost there with the Open Uni

Right! The last two TMAs done. Mighty proud of myself :-). Now I need to write two more essays which are my end of course assignments and that's it for this year. Got my 60 points and the certificate which I think it is enough for this year. Next year might take it further and get a diploma but that's too far ahead to plan for me <grin>. For now I'm looking forward Fifa 09 and Gears of War 2 in the beginning of October and November. Happy times :-).


Anonymous said...

Well done Dren. I'm only just starting off with the OU. I've registered for M150 (start Sept) and intend to register for T175 which begins in February '09.

Have to make good planning to play Gears on its release. :0

Unknown said...

Thanks mate and good luck with M150. I think you got a good plan there. It is time consuming but well worth it in the end IMO.

Very high hopes for Gears and based on some videos I watched it must be at least as good as the first one. Have you changed your mind, are you getting the new COD?

Anonymous said...

I dipped back into CoD 4 the last few days and due to both a lack of games (that grab my attention) and the enjoyment of the actual game engine, I probably will get the latest offering...